Well, here's my first blog thingie. I'm both exited and clueless on how to effectively wheel a blog page but I do have a lot of plans for it so y'all be patient with me if you can.
Basically, I want to use this page as my digital portfolio and a place where aspiring artists can possibly learn something about what I do as well as learn from people that visit my page through comments and directing me to sites I haven't been to yet.
I also have plans for a website in the near future for visiting people to possibly post their work for all to see as well as some of my animation buds to show off theirs (plug, plug), forum on whatever and to teach some drawing how-to's via podcast.
I know it's not a unique sounding site but I want it to be a comfortable, inspiring and, hopefully, fun place to be. But, for now, we'll start with my baby step blog and see what evolves from here.
here's to the future...........................Mario.